Chapter 2 - Head or Heart Faith?

Let me state another important truth to you about the God-Kind of Faith. Again, Mark 11:23, “…and does not doubt in his heart, but believes….” It does not say anything about head. See, your head is not the key to your faith. A roman 10:10 says,i It does not say, “With the heart one has to try to believe.” It says, “With the heart one believes.” See, you do believe with your hear. The Word says you do; the problem is that we have not defined believing by the Word but by our experience. God says if you speak this Word, your heart believes it. In essence if you are confessing, you are believing with your heart. “Confess” in Greek is the word homologeo: homo meaning “same,” and logos meaning “word.” To confess is to say the same word. When you are saying the same thing God says, He calls that believing with your heart.

Regardless of what your head is telling you, if you say what God said, you are believing with your heart. He is the one who has set this up, so His rules apply. Listen, you can be terrified and feeling like you are going to lose your mind, but God says, “If you are saying what I am saying, you are believing with your heart and you will have whatever you say.” God is saying that if you are saying with your mouth what His Word has said and you are believing with your heart, then it does not matter what is going on in your head. You will have what you say.

David discovered this and learned this vital lesson in Psalm 116:10-11. He says, “ believed, therefore I spoke, ‘I am greatly afflicted.’ I said in my haste, ‘All men are liars.’” And this is where I discovered David is telling us th vital principle and the mental disposition of faith. “I believed I was greatly afflicted, I said I ws greatly afflicted, and so I stayed greatly afflicted. I said ‘in my haste, All men are liars.’ And guess what happened? I was surrounded by a bunch of liars, cutthroats, thieves, and my own son, Absalom, tried to betray me and take the kingdom from me because I was saying, ‘all men are liars.’” And he said, “I said it in my haste.” I said it without thinking; I said it without stopping. I said it without disciplining myself. I said it without watching what came out of my mouth, so I did what was called a time-out. Take a time-out. Think before you respond negatively to your circumstance. David did.

He goes on to say in verse 12, “What shall I render to the Lord?” See, we use this Scripture for offering. David was not talking about money here. He was saying, “What shall I say, what should be coming out of my mouth to God, what shall I render?” And then he says, “I will take up the cup of salvation.” Now,, what do you do from a cup? You drink from it, and what happens to what you drink? It gets inside you! Get the Word of God in you, and make sure it is the Word of God coming out of your mouth in response to your situation. Take and drink from the cup. “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst” (John 4:14). God is saying, if you get this in you – My Word in your heart, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks – you will get what you say and you will never thirst again!

Notes to Remember

“Your head has nothing to do with your faith. Romans 10:10 says, ‘With the heart man believes.’ God says, ‘If you speak My Word, your heart believes it.’”