Chapter 3 - Send The Word
The Bible says, “He sent His word” (Psalm 107:20). You have to get that Word and send it into your future. The life of faith is the kind of life that is always running into its confessions. It says today, “I am an Overcomer,” not “I will be an Overcomer.” And when it comes up against a situation of defeat, it runs into its confession. When the situation says, “This is above what you can bear!” the Word says, “Oh no, he already sent the Word concerning being more than a conqueror through Christ that loved him!” I am running into my confessions all the time. Because I am a man of faith, when I run into it, and I need the power, I have it!
He says, “I have the power now to lay it down, and I have the power to pick it up again. This commandment I have received from My Father.” He was saying that what He was speaking right now was what God had said. He said, “I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to pick it up again, and the reason I am saying this now is because God’s Word said it to Me.” So He was speaking God’s Word to Himself in the present tense; the power he needed was available to Him when he came into the circumstance where He needed it because he had already said, “I have it.” (Read this paragraph again.)
So when He went into the garden and wrestled, he said, “Father, if there is any other way to get this done, let Us find another way. And he went back again, “Father, let this cup pass.” And He went back a third time, “Father, if there is any other way to do this without all this pain and suffering, can We do it another way? Nevertheless….” (That is where the power kicked in). “Not My will, but Thy will.”
You can go once, twice, or three times trying to live this Christian life another way. You can try everything your mind thinks you should do. You can try to figure it out on your own ability, taking all your intellect and education to try to get God’s will done in your life, but it is not going to happen that way. The only way it is going to happen is when you do what Jesus did. If Jesus had to live that way, then there is no way in the world you are going to see the God-Kind or results any other way. You have to get God’s Word in your mouth, His promise concerning your future, freedom from sin, life in abundance and start saying “I have it, I have it, I am not going to get it; I have it now.” But you are saying, “I do not see it now.” That is right; you do not see it now, but you have it now. And if you say that you have it now, you will see it later!
God the Father had to do this very same thing to raise Jesus from the dead. Not only did Jesus exercise the God-Kind of Faith in His earthly life and ministry, and even towards His resurrection, but God the Father also exercised the principle of faith in resurrecting Jesus form the dead. Now, what is our objective here? If Jesus had to exercise the God-Kind of Faith in order for the will of God to be manifested in his life, and if the Father had to exercise the God-Kind of Faith to produce his will in the earth, then there is no way that you and I, as children of God, can see the God-Kind of results and live the God-Kind of life if we do not put into effect the God-Kind of Faith.