Chapter 2 - Audible Faith

We have laid the foundation of the vital principle and mental disposition of Bible Faith. In this chapter, I reveal the elements that determine what it means to have the God-Kind of Faith. Mark 11:12-14, our foundational text for this chapter, gives us and example of what it means to have the God-Kind of Faith:

Now the next day, when they hand come out form Bethany, He was hungry. And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, he went to see if perhaps he would find something on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for gigs. In response Jesus said to it, “let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” And His disciples heard it (emphasis added).

Notice, the Bible says “in response.” In order for the Bible to say “in response,” the fig tree must have been saying something to Jesus that He had to respond to. You might ask how and inanimate object spoke to Him. We see here that this is what the fight of faith is. Just like the fig tree was saying something to Jesus, your situation is speaking to you all the time. It is telling you that you are defeated, backslidden and without hope. Your lack is talking to you. The problem is, you are not answering back. Holler back to it! You have to stop letting your circumstances talk to you and you not holler back. The man or woman of faith does not allow a circumstance to talk to them – to work on their mind – without speaking back. Jesus saw a barren fig tree and the Bible says, “He said in response,” which meant that He was communicating back to His circumstance of bareness and lack, which was talking to Him. If you are going to live and walk in the God-Kind of Faith, you have to holler back! You cannot allow discouragement, failure, sickness, and so on, to talk to you and not say something back. You cannot allow negative circumstances or experiences to speak and word on your mind and not speak back. But you have to discipline your holler to make sure that the Word of God is coming out of your mouth.

In the King James Bible, the Scripture show us another element of the God-Kind of Faith. Jesus says in Mark 11:14, “No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever” (emphasis added). The translation here is “Let no one eat fruit of you now or later.” As we have previously learned, faith is always present tense. Let no one eat fruit of you here or after. This statement covers two dimensions of time and is in present tense. Verse 14 reads, “And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And His disciples heard it.” Faith speaks loud enough for someone else to hear it. Faith does not only mumble to itself, but faith speaks to be heard, and it really does not matter who else hears, as long as you talk loud enough for you and God to hear you. In verse 14, His disciples heard it.

Notes to Remember

"Your situation is speaking to you. You must respond to it with the Word of God. You must holler back."

"Divine Principle: Faith speaks loud enough for others to hear."