Chapter 5 - Measuring Standard

Under the New Covenant, all the power that is coming out of Him has already come out. The power to change your situation is not going to come out of Him now – it is already out o Him. When He sent the Holy Ghost, that was the power coming out of Him. I want you to understand, God has already released His power to us. All the power that is coming out of Him is out of Him, and it is already in the earth. His name is Holy Spirit. He is the power of God. We are not waiting for power to be released now; we are waiting for Christians to connect, and the way you connect now I is by your faith.

If it was His power being released that caused your deliverance, you would be liberated now! The Bible is telling you that the power went out of Him. Jesus told the woman that His power did not heal her. It was her faith. In other words, it is really not what He said that got her healed because she had not even heard Him. It was actually what she said about what she heard. That is why what you hear is so important. You are going to say what you hear.

She started saying, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made will” (Mark 5:28). But she hadn’t heard that about Jesus. That is what she heard herself say. She herd herself keep saying it. Faith did not come by what somebody else had told her about Jesus; faith came by what she was telling herself!

She said in that rocking chair, day after day, bleeding and hemorrhaging, hearing He could heal, and she said, “If I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made will – if I could just touch the hem of His garment.” She said it so much that she finally decided that she was not going to sit down one more day. She decided to get up and act out her faith.

The faith came by what she was saying, not by what was preached. What was preached caused her to start “calling.” And when she started mixing her faith, it started coming; and the more she said it, the more she saw it; and the more the saw it, the more her faith grew: “I have to get out of this chair; I have to get out of this chair. He can heal, but nothing is going to happen unless I get out of this chair. I know the law says because I am a hemorrhaging woman, I do not have any right to be in any assembly [because a woman with an issue of blood was ceremonially unclean and could not go amongst the congregation]. But if I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole.” And she touched and was made whole because you will have what you say.

Child of God, you hear yourself speak more than anyone else. It is not what I tell you that is going to determine you outcome; it is what you tell yourself based on the Word of God. What II tell you is only so you can believe. Now someone will say, “Yes, but what about that Scripture that says that God has dealth to every man the measure of faith?” Read it – the measure of faith. It does not say, a measure; it says, the measure. A measure mean that God arbitrarily decides who gets what - “I am going to give you more faith than I am going to give her because I like you better.” But the Bible does not say that “God has given to man a measure of faith”’ it says “…God hath dealth to every man the measure of faith” (Romans 12:3 KJV). I was reading that one day and I asked God, “Lord, help me understand this.”

He said, “I said, the measure.” Measure is a standard of rule. Measure is the means of determining how much. SO when God says, “I have dealt to every man the measure of faith,” He is saying that He has given each of us the standard by which we can measure whether we are in faith or not! He has given each of us the ruler by which we can determine whether we are in faith or not. See, a ruler is how I determine how long something is. A measuring stick is called a ruler because it determines length. God is saying, “I have given you the ruler, so you can determine whether you actually have any faith or not; you Bible is the ruler.” If what you have is what the Bible says, then it is faith.

When you are measuring carpet, if your ruler says it is twelve feet long, you cannot claim it is fifteen feet long. The ruler tells you how long it is. You cannot value it as you would a fifteen-foot piece of carpet and expect someone to buy it. The ruler said it is twelve feet long…period. In a similar fashion, God has given you the ruler of faith, but we call what we are doing faith, even though it is not working and nothing is manifested. You may have been doing things one way for years with no results, but you still say, “Oh well, I have faith.” But God says, “Measure it against the ruler.”