Chapter 5 - Uncomfortably Comfortable

No one else, including God, is responsible for the level of faith that I am walking in. I know this may be a little frightening at first because it takes us out of a false dependence on God, but once you get it, you get absolutely delivered. In the Old Covenant, God gave them a Word. In the New Covenant, He has already given us His Word. So, it is not like God is going to appear to you now and tell you what to say because He has already appeared in the person of His Son.

If you are waiting on a word, God has already given you all the words you need to start faith in you concerning anything He said to you. It is called the Bible. You are waiting on the word, and He is saying, “I have already given you all the words.” You need to get started. You have been leaning on the Lord, and you are leaning so far now that you are about to fall. You have been leaning on the Lord, and you have not understood that leaning on the Lord is not going to get you into what He has promised you. It is a little uncomfortable at first, but once you get it, it is absolutely liberating because now you understand that nobody can keep your faith level from going through the roof except you – not even the devil! This does not take any importance from God, for He says Himself that we are to look to His Word. Second Timothy 2:15 (KJV) says: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

If all I do is read the Bible, then I will not show myself approved as a workman of it. However, if I study, I will manifest the fact that I have God’s approval because I am working the Word. That is what a workman does, and I will not need to be ashamed. Sad to say, most Christians are ashamed. They say they serve God, but they beg for money. They say they serve God, but their family is in crisis 24/7 (24 hours/7 days a week). Most Christians do not have any evidence that they are any different that the people they go to work with. They go to church and they read their Bible, but they do not study to show themselves approved. They do not work the Word. The Word is not just to be read; it is to be worked!

Rightly dividing the Word of truth is not just an ability to articulate it and interpret it. Rightly dividing the Word of truth is knowing what is useful for what. Some of us need to understand that this has been given to us. If I am believing God for strength, I need to study what the Bible has to say about strength. If I lack confidence, I need to study what he Bible says about boldness. If I am believing God for my health, I need to study what the Bible has to say about healing.