Chapter 6 - The Two Positions

When I read the New Testament and the miracle of Jesus, I cannot adopt the dependent mentality of the Old Covenant. I cannot be the one who asks for something the waits for God to speak. When we ask and then wait for God to speak, He says, “Wait a minute, do you not know for yourself that Christ is in you?” So, the Person that you are waiting on to speak to your situation is in you! The Lord has already said everything He’s going to say, and He is in you.

I cannot examine my faith based on a second-dimension revelation. The revelation I have on Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is second-dimension – it is Old Covenant. I am in the New Covenant – I am now in the same spiritual class as Jesus. I am in the same spiritual class as the Jesus who did the speaking. (Most Christians miss this!) When Jesus worked that great miracle, people said, “What manner of man is this?” We miss the point that this is the manner of man that we are supposed to be.

So, I must be the one who prays, “Father, in the name of Jesus, based on the authority of Your Word, I am asking You total deliverance from the power of darkness. For Your Word says that You hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of your dear Son: (Colossians 1:13). And so, right now, I believe that I receive my Deliverance. I will not ask for this again, because I believe I receive when I pray. And so, right now, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for being delivered from the power of darkness.”

Then, after I get up off my knees, I must assume the other position and say, “Now, devil, in the name of Jesus, I charge you to release me in every way, you know and I know, I am delivered.” I am now speaking the Word. I must take the position of the one who comes and the one who speaks to the situation!

“Father, in the name of Jesus, based on the authority of Your Word, I am asking You to heal my body. For You said that Jesus was wounded for my transgressions and bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was laid upon Him, and by His stripes I am healed. And so, right now, I believe that I receive my healing. I will not ask for this again, because I believe I receive when I pray. And so, right now, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for my healing.”

When I get up off my knees, I must take the other position and say, “Now, devil, in the name of Jesus, I know this pain is still in my body, but you know and I know, I am healed.” Because Christ is in you, He cannot speak into your situation if you are not talking. In Second Corinthians 13:5-6, the Holy Spirit tells us that when you examine yourself, make sure you examine yourself in light of the fact that the One you are coming to for answers is in you. He is saying, “I am here every time you are here. As a matter of fact, I go every place you go. You carry Me all the time.”

Understand that you are qualified to stand in both positions. God made us joint heirs. I am now qualified to go to God for myself. I can go right into His presence, by the blood. I can go to God myself and , when I am done, I can stand in my authority and tell the devil who I am, what I have and what belongs to me. This is why Jesus said, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth [because although I am going to Heaven, I am also going to be in you]” (Mathew 28:18 KJV).

The same power that is in you right now is going to be with you. It is going to be in the house with you, in the car with you, at work with you tomorrow. I am qualified and anointed to stand in both positions. It takes nothing from God when I stand in my authority. Someone says, “Where is God in all of this here?” He is up there saying, “That’s My boy; go, man! Thank you for finally looking like My Son.” Then, you lift your hands and thank Him that He is giving you this kind of power, because it all comes from Him. He gave it to you.