Chapter 7 - The Centurion

Bible Faith is not just believing,; it requires putting action to your belief. And the primary action of Bible Faith is that faith speaks what it believes. The mental disposition is that faith speaks what it believes in the present tense, which means faith is always is. It is always now. Faith is never “Will,” “God will,” or “God is going to.” Faith is always is. God is, or whatever the Word says that is.

Here, Jesus articulated that He saw great faith in two people who were not covenant people. I began to look at this, and said, “God, what are the elements here that caused Jesus to say that this si great faith?” Because if it is great faith, and it is in my Bible, then I can have it. I want to know what the elements are that Jesus said made for great faith because I want my faith to work great in every area of my life. I want everything that God says. I want to get it God’s way. I want to do it according to the plan and will of God. Understand, first of all, that you can have great faith. Great faith is a product of a couple things that the Spirit of the Lord began to reveal to me.

Let’s look again at Matthew chapter 8, where this Roman citizen said to Jesus, “Listen, I have a servant who is grievously tormented, and if you will just speak the word only, my servant will be healed.” The Scripture reads: “The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed.” (Matthew 8:8). Remember that this was Jesus operating under the Old Covenant, and the centurion was not a covenant child, so when he said, “I am not worthy,” he was right. First of all, the centurion was a Roman; he was not a seed of Abraham. In the Old Covenant, the price for redemption had not been paid in full. But for a blood-bought, Spirit filled, New Testament child of God to say, “I am not worthy” is wrong! Why? Because you have been made worthy by the blood of Jesus Christ, so don’t go to God saying, “I am not worthy” and think that is faith, because you have just contradicted what He has said in His Word about you.

The Bible says that, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become he righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). I am not unworthy; I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, I am worthy of everything I get! Everything I receive, every blessing I get, I am worthy of; I am worthy not because of who I am, but worthy because of whose I am. I am connected to the Lord Jesus; I am in Him, an if you are in Him then you cannot be unworthy. My Bible says, “I have been made”’ not “I will become.” He presents us “…holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight” (Colossians 1:22). I said, “In His sight. It doesn’t matter how I look in yours. You did not die for me, and you are not blessing me! It is just a fact – you and I are worthy or of the goodness of God through Jesus Christ.