Here Jesus tells His disciples to “have the God-Kind of Faith” because His dealing with this fig tree has just exemplified what the God-Kind of Faith is. The God-Kind of Faith speaks what it believes, or what it wants to happen, based on the Word of God. It speaks God’s Word in the present tense in response to those situation and circumstances in life that come against it. Now, if you are not speaking what you believe in the present tense, first of all, it is not Bible Faith. The God-Kind of Faith is a brand of faith to which only the believer has access. Remember, the vital principle and mental disposition of faith from Second Corinthians 4 is that faith speaks what it believes. The mental disposition of mind-set of faith from Romans 10 is that the Word is, or that what the Word says is happening now.
I had problems with this concept for year. Because of the way people taught it, I did not fully understand it. So, I asked God to give me revelation. He said, “Speaking is the vital principle of faith.” Understand that it is not your confession that makes anything happen because anything that you are confessing based on God’s Word is already done. But in order for you to see things manifest in your life, you must walk by the vital principle of faith. Remember, faith is conviction or persuasion plus corresponding action. So, when the Bible refers to the spirit (of faith) or vital principle (mental disposition) of faith, God is telling you that the vital principle of acting on what you believe is speaking what you believe. God is telling you that you will not act on what you believe until you begin speaking what you believe. This is because you were created to do what you speak.
Now, put this all together: Because faith is conviction n or persuasion plus corresponding action and the vital principle of being a person walking in faith is speaking what you believe, then you will not act on what you believe unless you discipline yourself to speak what you believe. Think about it. Right now, you are acting on what you have spoken in the past. The problem is, most of us speak whatever comes into our minds – whatever experience tells us. Because you are speaking what your experience has told you, you are continuing to experience the same thing. Remember, you were created in the image of God. What you speak comes to pass in your life. Just because humanity fell into sin does not mean that God changed the function of His creation. His creation still sees or experience what it speaks. The problem is, that, in sin, His creation lost the ability to see what it was supposed to see or experience. That is why He wrote you a letter – the living Word, the Bible – to tell you what you lost and give you ability to see, so you could then speak it by His Word.
Notes to Remember
"The God-Kind of Faith speaks what it wants to happen based on the Word of God in the Present Tense"
"The God-Kind of Faith speaks what it wants to happen based on the Word of God in the Present Tense"