Chapter 1 - Faith IS

Continuing on and beginning at James 2:24, again we replace “faith” and “works” with our working definition: “You see then that a man is justified [or made right with God] by [corresponding actions], and not by [conviction or persuasion] only. Likewise, was not Rehab the harlot also justified by [corresponding actions] when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?” (James 2:24-25) There was action when she received and sent. The Bible says, “He sent His word and healed them” (Psalm 107:20). This tells me that Bible Faith is when you receive and send the Word of God.

Another example that shows the necessity of having conviction or persuasion plus corresponding action is seen in James 2:26: “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” These ingredients are required for life in human beings: body plus spirit. If the spirit leaves the body, the individual no longer exist. It is the spirit that gives life to the body. So, the Bible states that just like it takes the spirit to give life to the body, it also take s corresponding action to give life to your conviction or persuasion. The corresponding action is the life-giving part, not the belief. It is the corresponding action that gives life to your conviction or persuasion. Both together make you faith complete.

Second Corinthians 4:13-14 reads,"And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak, knowing that he who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus, and will present us with you.” This word spirit is the Greek word pneuma, which means vital principle and mental disposition. So when Paul says, “We have the same spirit of faith,” He is saying we have the mental disposition of faith. In Psalm 116:10, when David says, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” he is referring to this same vital principle and mental disposition of faith. Continuing in Psalm116, David says, “I believed, therefore I spoke, ‘I am greatly afflicted.’” He believed he was greatly afflicted and spoke that he was greatly afflicted. Therefore, he stayed greatly afflicted. I will discuss this in greater detail later, but faith works both ways. Whatever you believe you will speak, and whatever you speak, you will have because you were created in the image and the likeness of God. God is a Spirit who speaks what He believes and it comes to pass, and so are you.

That is why the key to walking by faith is making sure you believe the right thing, for if you believe the right thing, you will speak the right thing, and if you speak the right thing, you will have the right thing. Another way to think of it is an attitude of faith. To walk by faith, you must have a faith attitude. The vital principle or attitude of faith is that faith speaks what it believes. Speaking what you believe is the first corresponding action of your faith. Faith also has a mental disposition. What is the mental disposition of faith? Faith is always is. When speaking what you believe, always speak in the present tense. Faith is never going to happen. Faith is never “God will make a way” or “God is going to deliver me.” You may believe it, but that does not make it faith; and if it is not faith, God is not obligated to move on it. He will not respond to “going to.” He is not the “Great I am going to,” He is the “Great I AM,” and faith is always present tense. “The word is near you in your mouth and in your heart” (Romans 10:8). Not the words will be, but the word is. Faith says, “the word is” and the promise of God is now, not “will be.” Faith does not say, “I am going to overcome.” Faith does not say, “I am going to be delivered,” but faith declares that “I am delivered now” because it is a done deal. God is not going to do anything. Everything that God is going to do is already done. If He has done it, then it is finished or complete, and faith is always “is.”

Notes to Remember

"Your corresponding action adds life to your conviction or persuasion."

"The Vital Principle of Faith: Faith speaks what it believes."

"The Mental Disposition of Faith: Faith is always present tense."